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Expecting eggs/offspring from the following breedings:
Sunglow x Albino Okeetee 18 hatchlings as of 6/19/05!!!!
Amel x High White Albino Okeetee (9 eggs laid on 5/08)
Ghost het Snow x Albino Okeetee (12 eggs laid on 6/08)
Ghost het Snow x Hypo (?)
Sunglow x Snow Motley (bred 5/19)

Female High White Albino Okeetee
This pic was taken 9/2004. Hatched in mid/late 2002, I bought this girl "Emma" from a man in Illinois in April of 2004. She is not your typical reverse and is very stunning. Eating large rats pups and small adult mice now she measures in at 32" as of 3/20/05. She has mated with my 3 year old amelanistic male so here's hoping for healthy eggs/babies soon as she is very heavy with eggs.


Male Amelanistic
This handsome fellow came from a lady in Louisiana. He didn't want to pose for this pic as you can see. He's an early 2002 hatch and measures in at aprox. 38-39". I refer to him as "my dog with scales" he's very laid back and curious about his human's. He feeds well on adult mice and the occasional day old chick. I am thrilled to have him in my home as part of my breeding project.


Female Blizzard
Hatched late 2003. I bought this Blizzard girl from LLL Reptile (she came from the Gourmet Rodent in FL) in April of 2004. Feeding well on hopper mice these days she is growing steadily and getting an "attitude" but it's all good. If she's big enough look for babies from her and my motley in spring 2006.


This nice looking male came from John Bernardi in Texas. A late 2003 hatch I picked him up at the Albuquerque, NM Reptile Show in March 2004. He is multi het for blood red, motley and ??? so I was told. He is also feeding well and growing nicely on hopper mice.


Female Albino Okeetee
This nice looking girl is 5 years old and came to live with me in August of 2004 from KRRC in California. She's a little testy if she doesn't think she is done eating (feeding on adult mice and day old chicks) but overall her temperment is that of a typical mellow corn. I'd say she's about 38" in length. She has bred with my sunglow male several times already and I'm hoping for 18+ healthy eggs and babies this year.


Female Snow Motley
This girl is 3 years old and will hopefully be bred this year to my Ghost het Snow. She has a great dispostion and is from a lady in North Carolina. I FINALLY got an "ok" pic of her.


Male Sunglow
This 5 year old male also came to me from KRRC in Oct. 2004. He bred with Jewel this year and produced 20 viable eggs and possibly bred with my Snow Motley on May 19th. This male has a very even temperment and also likes his adult mice and day old chicks. **SOLD** he now lives in Michigan but I will keep his picture up due to having offspring from him here this year.


Male Ghost het Snow
This 6 year old male came from a man in Florida. His mom is a Snow het Hypo and his dad a Hypo het Anery. I hope to breed him back to my 3 year old Snow Motley and possibly my Albino Okeetee. Should get some nice looking babies from them.
